Richard Kitson will be at Patchings Art Festival

Richard is excited to be taking part in this year’s Patchings Art Festival. Richard will be exhibiting new work and demonstrating from his own stand for the full three days of the festival, 11th - 13th July. Come and meet Richard, see his work, find out about workshops, demonstrations and commissions.


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Richard is going back to school!

From September 2023 Richard will be undertaking an MA Fine Art course at Leeds Arts University on a full-time basis. As a result, Richard will be delivering only a handful of workshops during the 2023-24 academic year to allow him time to focus on his MA studies. However, Richard is happy to receive enquiries for workshops and demonstrations for bookings from September 2024 onwards.

“I am excited to be studying at Leeds Arts University, an arts establishment I have long admired for its teaching, facilities and sole focus on arts courses. It’s almost 20yrs since I completed my BA at the University of Leeds so I’m naturally quite nervous to be re-entering the world of academia. Learning never stops and after 12yrs teaching others I’m looking forward to being on the other side and developing my practice moving forward.” Richard Kitson

Portrait Commission Enters Permanent Collection

Richard’s commission of Paul Elmhirst is now on display at The Cooper Gallery in Barnsley. The portrait is the latest acquisition to the galleries permanent collection and celebrates Paul Elmhirst’s 52 years as Chair of Trustees at the gallery.

Click the gallery page above for a detailed image of the portrait.

Cooper Gallery website link